Blackadder - A melhor série de humor britânica
Esta é uma série do melhor humor britânico, que eu não me canso de recomendar.
Edmund Blackadder é um personagem interpretado por Rowan Atkinson (o famoso Mr. Bean).
Série 1 - Na corte de Ricardo III.
Série 2 - Na corte de Isabel I.
Série 3 - Na corte de Jorge IV.
Série 4 - Na I Guerra Mundial.
Insultos à la Blackadder
- ...Nursie is a sad, insane old woman with an udder fixation...
- Percy: Sorry I'm late!
Edmund: Oh, don't bother apologising. I'm sorry you're alive. - Yes you are to be congratulated, my friend, we, we live in an age where illness and deformity are common place and yet Ploppy, you are without a doubt the most repulsive individual that I have ever met. I would shake your hand but I fear it would come off.
- Edmund: Well, it is said, Percy, that civilised man seeks out good and intelligent company, so that, through learned discourse, he may rise above the savage and closer to God.
Percy: Yes, I've heard that.
Edmund: Personally, however, I like to start the day with a total dickhead to remind me I'm best. - Well, I use the word man in an as broad as possible sense because we all know God made man in his own image. It would be a sad look out for christians around the globe if God looked any like you, Baldrick.
- You utter creep.
Série 1 - Na corte de Ricardo III
Baldrick - Tony Robinson
Percy - Tim McInnerny
King Richard III - Peter Cook
Prince Harry - Robert East
The Queen - Elspet Gray
Participação especial de: Peter Cook como Richard III
Série 2 - Na corte de Isabel I
Lorde Edmund Blackadder - Rowan Atkinson
Baldrick (criado) - Tony Robinson
Lorde Percy - Tim McInnerny
"Queenie" (Rainha Isabel I) - Miranda Richardson
Lorde Melchett - Stephen Fry
Nursie (A ama da rainha) - Patsy Byrne
Participação especial de: Hugh Laurie como Prince Ludwig
Série 3 - Na corte de Jorge IV
Edmund Blackadder (mordomo do príncipe) - Rowan Atkinson
Soldado S. Baldrick - Tony Robinson
General Sir Anthony Hogmany Melchett - Stephen Fry
Tenente George Colthurst St. Barleigh - Hugh Laurie
Capitão Kevin Darling - Tim McInnerny
A redefinição da tabuada por S. (Sod Off) Baldrick